Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Judicial Appointments Fixed??

Not familiar how to upload the video as part of the blog yet, but have a look at this & you make your own conclusions.

This video of senior lawyer, Datuk VK Lingam, having a telephone conversation allegedly with Chief Justice Tan Sri Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim discussing the appointment of judges was released today by malaysiakini. There have been rumours and rumblings of such chicanery for some time but this video seems to add some truth to it. The Bar Council has called for an emergency meeting amongst its office bearers and the setting up of a Royal Commission Of Inquiry to look into this and other affairs plaguing the Judiciary seems more urgent than before.
Personally, I will not pass any judgment yet until we hear from the other parties involved but all I can say at this juncture is that it really makes me want to give up litigation... :(
...& now I seem to have lots to rant & rave about.


anfield devotee said...

Very easy one la, see at the bottom of the video, which says post video, click on that, enter yer blog site, done. That's all. Heh, not bad ah, IT illiterate teaching u a thing or two he he!

RE: Judges appointment fixed?!? SHOCK. HORROR. HOW CAN ONE? This is M'sia, where no such things happen . . . Cannot be la, surely must be some mistake, Dato VK Lingam was just making a prank call la

Bernard said...

Ya-lah, action-la....

I suppose the last 2 minutes is footage of Allen Funt jumping out from a corner somewhere saying, "Smile! You're on Candid Camera!!" was edited off. Allen who?? You must be too young then.

Still, this doesn't do much for whatever little confidence & faith people have left of the judiciary.

Jon-C said...

Why ah i not surprised with this latest "Malaysia Boleh" comedy show?
By the rate we're going, the whole country will really go down the drain. Sad way to celebrate 50 years of independence.
