Sunday, September 16, 2007

Blog Off....

So I've finally succumbed to this apparently very addictive new (well new to an old fart like me anyway...) thing called blogging & here we are, my first posting. The first of very few I suppose as middle age life with kids, parents, house mortgage, work & a dear wife to take care of will well leave me with little time to indulge in blogging.

Though I have a myriad of interests, Liverpool FC, good music, good food & a good time with family & friends amongst others, writing long opinion pieces is not one of them & I'm not gonna start now. To give you an idea, those familiar with the KL indie rock scene will be familiar with the now defunct 'Aedes' fanzine helmed by the Peter Pan of Punk himself, Joe Kidd. Publications of said 'Aedes' were few and far between 1987 - 1994 & eventually went the way of the Dodo bird. So this blog will in many ways be a replica of the publication life of 'Aedes'.....

But on & off when I really have nothing else better to do, I suppose I might put down a few gems of wisdom about nothing of real importance but which YOU have decided to read as YOU too have nothing else important to do...

So when the stars, moon & sun are properly aligned & with some prompting, I MAY mouth off about something or the other - hence the blog name - "Ah??? Speak Now-ah??"


anfield devotee said...

Its a start . . . wht don't u share some of yer wonderful parenting tips with other concerned parents out there? Am sure they will be facinated by yer whiskey silencing method . . .

Anonymous said...

whiskey silencing method!!!??? now i'm a very concerned parent ...

Bernard said...

Alo, correction here aaa. It wasn't whisky. It was a G&T to be precise. And no, my kids aged 9 & 5 now are no alcohol dependants (though Ewan does looks like a junior version of his Uncle anfielddevotee - beer gut & all) nor are they some spaced out junkie.

We know for a fact at least that they are not alcohol intolerant nor suffer from any allergy to it. ;D

anfield devotee said...

Beer gut , tis a thing of beuty, eh Ewan . . .

Anonymous said...

adam said...

Wow things must be really bad for the chinese heh..! But how come the STAR said the top 10 richest men in Malaysia are Chinese? These shows that the marginalisation policy is successful..marginalised the Chinese until they owned 80 % of the wealth.

Or are you fook one of the should ask Robert Kuok the richest man 20 billion or Ananda 20 billion or YTL 5 billion Goh Tong 10billion ..heck you can google them up...

Fancy you coming up with all those statistics...the important one you don't know. It shows your statistic are made up. As a typical lying greedy chinese you purposely didnt say who the 10 richest men in malaysia do you. Or how about the 100 richest men?

September 18, 2007 9:14 PM

anfield devotee said...

Yup, Bernard, as premo posted here some fool replied to our comments on me blog. U cordially invited to give him a typical Bernard dressing down . . .

Alliedmartster said...

Ah? So late oso can-ah?
Bro, welcome to he blo-go=sphere!
WTF man! Since you start blogging, we have yet to score a goal man!
NE Ways, see ya on Wednesday??POJ??

Bernard said...

A mere coincidence. Not my fault they playing like crap izzit?