Monday, September 24, 2007

The Week That Was

This past week has not certainly gone down well for me not only with the recent judiciary video expose but also on a personal note, Dad was confirmed to be facing the Big C (cancer). And I just found out that a good mate's Mum was also diagnosed with it as well.

We were half expecting it as during the battery of tests, Dad had to go through the same regime as when Uncle Oi Mun (Dad's younger brother) went through when he was first diagnosed as having the Big C. Uncle Oi Mun has since passed away last year, some 6 months after he was first diagnosed. We have certainly been clocking up the miles & hours running to the hospital for tests, getting reports etc and all the waiting but that's the least I can do for the time being. Everyone's worried sick of course but surprisingly, Dad seems to be quite nonchalant about the whole thing. In fact even before getting the results, he's been announcing to all & sundry about it. Well I suppose that's my Dad for you, happy go lucky & the most easy going person you'll ever meet.

We'll be seeing another doctor tomorrow for a 2nd opinion & hope the prognosis is more positive. One way or another, we're not giving up hope and will remain positive whatever the opinion may be and just hope to be able to give the best care and management to the problem as we can.

March For Justice...

The Bar Council is organising a march on Wednesday, 26/9/07 at 11.00 am from the Palace Of Justice to the PM's Office in Putrajaya to hand over a memorandum calling for a Royal Commission to be set up not only to investigate the video scandal but also the ills that has plagued the Judiciary since the days of Tun Salleh Abas's dismissal in 1988.

Though the call is made out for lawyers attendance to support the Bar's request for the Royal Commission, I'm sure any right thinking member of the public disgusted with the latest unsavoury events will be more than welcome to join in the walk. Whether any good will come out of handing over the memo is not the issue, but at least the government will know that the public has had enough of their "sweep the shit under the carpet" attitude . Well I'm sorry to say, even if you sweep crap under the carpet, the smell will remain for days on end...

Join me for a morning walk on Wednesday??

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Judicial Appointments Fixed??

Not familiar how to upload the video as part of the blog yet, but have a look at this & you make your own conclusions.

This video of senior lawyer, Datuk VK Lingam, having a telephone conversation allegedly with Chief Justice Tan Sri Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim discussing the appointment of judges was released today by malaysiakini. There have been rumours and rumblings of such chicanery for some time but this video seems to add some truth to it. The Bar Council has called for an emergency meeting amongst its office bearers and the setting up of a Royal Commission Of Inquiry to look into this and other affairs plaguing the Judiciary seems more urgent than before.
Personally, I will not pass any judgment yet until we hear from the other parties involved but all I can say at this juncture is that it really makes me want to give up litigation... :(
...& now I seem to have lots to rant & rave about.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Blog Off....

So I've finally succumbed to this apparently very addictive new (well new to an old fart like me anyway...) thing called blogging & here we are, my first posting. The first of very few I suppose as middle age life with kids, parents, house mortgage, work & a dear wife to take care of will well leave me with little time to indulge in blogging.

Though I have a myriad of interests, Liverpool FC, good music, good food & a good time with family & friends amongst others, writing long opinion pieces is not one of them & I'm not gonna start now. To give you an idea, those familiar with the KL indie rock scene will be familiar with the now defunct 'Aedes' fanzine helmed by the Peter Pan of Punk himself, Joe Kidd. Publications of said 'Aedes' were few and far between 1987 - 1994 & eventually went the way of the Dodo bird. So this blog will in many ways be a replica of the publication life of 'Aedes'.....

But on & off when I really have nothing else better to do, I suppose I might put down a few gems of wisdom about nothing of real importance but which YOU have decided to read as YOU too have nothing else important to do...

So when the stars, moon & sun are properly aligned & with some prompting, I MAY mouth off about something or the other - hence the blog name - "Ah??? Speak Now-ah??"